
Links2Tabs automatically generates the list of references at the bottom of each post and/or page and bundles them into handy links by links2tabs services, which open all references with one click.


Download the most recent version from WordPress repository.


As easy, as 1-2-3:

  1. Upload links2tabs folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. Voila!


Activate the plugin. That’s it!

Advance settings can be accessed via WP Admin -> Settings -> Links2Tabs.

Please see more details in the Description section.


Links2Tabs automatically generates the list of references at the bottom of each post and/or page and bundles them into handy links by links2tabs services that open all references with one click.

For installation please see the corresponding section. It is as trivial as copying the plugin folder in your WordPress.

Once installed and activated, the plugin will work automatically. If you would like to fine-tune some bits, just go to the plugin’s settings page (WP Admin -> Settings -> Links2Tabs).

The plugin offers the following options.

Parsing & Final Finish:

  • Show on posts
  • Show on pages
  • Include links with images (When set to No, references with images will be skipped)
  • Include internal links (Choose whether or not to bundle internal links, i.e., those referring to this site’s domain).
  • Add reference tags (the plugin can tag each recognised reference with its number.)
  • Link reference tags to the bundle (if Add reference tags above is yes, the plugin can link each added tag to the result in the page/post bottom.)
  • Links per bundle (Select how many references to bundle in one link.)
  • Minimum number of links (Set a threshold, so that if the number of references is less than specified, bundled links will not be shown.)
  • Text before one bundle (Text to appear before the link in case there is only one reference bundle.)
  • Text before many bundles (Text to appear before the links in case there are several bundles.)

Bundled Tabs:

  • Open references in tabs (Enables or disables automatic link opening in separate tabs. Please mind, that if ToC is set to off below, tabs will be enabled anyway.)
  • Default reference title (This caption will be used if no valid reference title is found; default is “Reference”.)
  • Reference title format (How to format the reference titles into the tab captions. It is possible to use %TITLE% and %REF_ID%. N.B. These titles will be cut off if longer than 100 characters.)
  • Bundle Title (Title of the bundle to apprear on the ToC tab*.)
  • Bundle Description (Description of the bundle to apprear on the ToC tab*.)
  • Bundle Table of Contents (Caption of the ToC tab. Set to off to hide the ToC*.)
  • Link target (Where to open the bundled references: new window will set it to _blank.)
  • Visibility (Who should be able to see the bundles? When set to Public – it will be visible to all visitors. When set to Private – to this site’s admins only When set to Hidden – this will disable the reference bundling completely.)

Advance Settings:

  • Custom API base URL (So that the advanced users have extra playground. It is possible to choose a predefined API base or provide own one**.)
  • Plugin Priority (For advanced WordPress users only: priority to use when hooking on the_content filter.)
  • Exclude URL keywords (URLs containing these keywords won’t be included in the bundles.)

Note 1: * – It is possible to use the following short codes to insert corresponding credentials in Title, Description, and ToC fields above:

  • %BLOG_NAME% – site title
  • %BLOG_DESCRIPTION% – site tagline
  • %POST_TITLE% – post title
  • %REF_IDS% – range of references included in the link bundle

Note 2: ** – For those that want to configure custom API base and even map it on their own domain names, instructions can be found here.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Some links in bundles escape the frames and jump to the sites directly. What can I do about it?

A: Some yet unknown and untested sites may escape from frames so you may wish to set option “Open references in tabs” to “No” in order to prevent them from breaking compilations.

Please also report the link to us. We will make sure, you won’t be bothered by it again.

Q: I would like to change styling and layout of the added references. How can I do it?

A: The reference bundles are added within <div id="links2tabs"> ... </div> HTML structure. You can define any styling you like via your theme CSS by referring either to the element #links2tabs or to the class .links2tabs.


  1. Settings page

    Settings page {clcik on the image to zoom in}

  2. List of references added to the post with links

    List of references added to the post with links {clcik on the image to zoom in}

  3. All references opened with one click

    All references opened with one click {clcik on the image to zoom in}



  • Initial version.
  • Created and tested.


  • Support for WP prior to version 3.0.0 (before function get_site_url was introduced).


  • Added new option of the plugin filter priority.
  • Changed the default value of the bundle size from 12 to 10 to make it more intuitive.
  • Changed the default value of the threshold links from 2 to 3 to make it more practical.
  • Added new option allowing to black list some URLs by keyword.


  • By default, the plugin will now exclude mail and phone references.
  • Added a demo page to readme.txt.


  • Added a new option of skipping double references.

Upgrade Notice


  • This is a great plugin, give it a try.


If you want to translate this plugin into your language, please contact us.


Check out the companion plugin: Feed2Tabs.

They go well together like coffee and doughnuts!

About Name.ly

Name.ly offers your WordPress blogs and many other services allowing to consolidate multiple sites, pages and profiles.

All on catchy domain names, like sincere.ly, thatis.me, of-cour.se, …


Download the most recent version from the WordPress repository:

Download Links2Tabs


All references [1 – 8]